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hon/henne/hen (SE)
Here with her work ‘Witches Womb’ 2022, London ©tomtrevattphotography
︎︎ Linda Persson arbetar i huvudsak genom skulpturala och filmiska processer som bearbetar kontexter kring koloniala grepp av landskap, kropp och språk. Hennes arbete är ofta resultat från residens och kommissioner som relaterar till specifika platser. Hon har en kandidat och masters examen i skulptur /ljud från Chelsea College of Art & Design och Winchester School of Art, England samt ett forskningår vid Mejan Residens, Kungliga Konsthögskolan, Stockholm. Linda har deltagit vid Momentum Biennalen (2017) och inkluderades i boken 100 Sculptors of Tomorrow av förlaget Thames & Hudson (2019).
Linda’s performativa verk Minnesritualen var 2022 omproducerat med nykomponerat ljud som spelades live med gruppen TEARS | OV i London vid Monica Sjöö utställningen ‘The time is NOW and it’s overdue’ vid Beaconsfield Gallery.
Hon arbetar även med offentliga uppdrag utomhus och har skulpturala och ljusverk utomhus i Haninge kommun, Uppsala kommun och Huskvarna folets park i Jönköpings län.
English: Linda Persson mainly works through sculptural and cinematic methods that kontextualizes the colonial residue through landscapes, body and language. Her work methods often develops via residencies and commissions over long-term and space specific.
Linda holds a BA and MA in sculpture / sound from Chelsea College of Art & Design, London and Winchester School of Art, UK and a research year though Mejan Residence at the Royal Academy of Arts, Stockholm. She has participated in the Momentum Biennale (2017) and was included in the book 100 Sculptors of Tomorrow by the publisher Thames & Hudson (2019).
As part of MONICA SJÖÖ- The time is NOW and its overdue! at Beaconsfield gallery, London in 2022, Linda re-staged her work Memorial Ritual in a new development with a sound composition together and live with the queer band TEARS | OV .
She also work with puclic commissions and has works represented in Haninge, Uppsala municipality and a large scale stone installation at Huskvarna folkets park in Jönköpings region.
Linda’s performativa verk Minnesritualen var 2022 omproducerat med nykomponerat ljud som spelades live med gruppen TEARS | OV i London vid Monica Sjöö utställningen ‘The time is NOW and it’s overdue’ vid Beaconsfield Gallery.
Hon arbetar även med offentliga uppdrag utomhus och har skulpturala och ljusverk utomhus i Haninge kommun, Uppsala kommun och Huskvarna folets park i Jönköpings län.
English: Linda Persson mainly works through sculptural and cinematic methods that kontextualizes the colonial residue through landscapes, body and language. Her work methods often develops via residencies and commissions over long-term and space specific.
Linda holds a BA and MA in sculpture / sound from Chelsea College of Art & Design, London and Winchester School of Art, UK and a research year though Mejan Residence at the Royal Academy of Arts, Stockholm. She has participated in the Momentum Biennale (2017) and was included in the book 100 Sculptors of Tomorrow by the publisher Thames & Hudson (2019).
As part of MONICA SJÖÖ- The time is NOW and its overdue! at Beaconsfield gallery, London in 2022, Linda re-staged her work Memorial Ritual in a new development with a sound composition together and live with the queer band TEARS | OV .
She also work with puclic commissions and has works represented in Haninge, Uppsala municipality and a large scale stone installation at Huskvarna folkets park in Jönköpings region.